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Added Value Services

Orion provide many free added value services to our customers supporting their needs and reducing administrative tasks.

Our aim is to help were possible and make a positive contribution towards training of individuals.

  1. We provide comprehensive monthly management reports that cover Activity, Costs and volumes.
  2. We provide our customers with carbon neutral deliveries. This innovation allows us and our customers to help meet the demands of our environmental responsibilities.
  3. We deliver product training to Community drug services and Pharmacies who provide paraphernalia and packs. We assess each individual site for training needs.
  4. We have a needle exchange audit tool to facilitate auditing of pharmacy and fixed site services. This tool ensures the correct equipment is procured to meet the needs of the client group and to ensure best value for money.
  5.  We assess sites that produce NX waste and deliver training to ensure a safe and efficient waste collection service.
  6. Orion have developed a comprehensive handbook that is used to train drug workers, pharmacy counter staff and any person involved in delivering needle syringe provision. This handbook can be used to fill in gaps of knowledge for experienced individuals or train persons from no knowledge at all to a good standard which would enable them to deliver NX services confidently. This handbook is free but does have limits on free provision in hard form.
  7. Online training and testing using Orion’s  handbook and multi choice questions. This allows individuals to read the handbook to attain a level of knowledge and understanding to take the online test. On successfully taking the test a certificate will be issued. An unsuccessful attempt will refer back to the handbook for further reading and a re-attempt at the test. The handbook and test delivers a level of competence to provide needle syringe provision.

Orion are constantly listening too and assessing customer feedback so that we can improve our added value services.

Need help or advice? Call 01869 325912